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Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program

Addiction is marked, in part, by a loss of control over your behavior. In addition, some people affected by substance problems experience extreme, negative emotional states. These powerful states not only have the potential to intensify your drug or alcohol use. They can also seriously worsen your overall sense of well-being. These facts explain why therapy programs in Florida focus on helping you regain emotional control. One treatment option is dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Man talks to therapist in dialectical behavior therapy program

Do you or your loved one affected by addiction need help restoring emotional stability? Turn to the professionals at Footprints Beachside Recovery. Our dialectical behavior therapy program in Treasure Island, FL, can help you improve your emotional regulation and break free from addiction.

A healthier emotional state can help support your larger goal of substance recovery. Call us at 727-954-3908 today.

Emotional Control, Substance Use, and Addiction 

There are many different reasons why a person might start using drugs or alcohol. There are also multiple reasons why casual substance use may escalate into addiction. For some people, a source of both issues is a poor ability to regulate their emotional states.  

If you have difficulty controlling your emotions, you may turn to drinking or drug use as a form of self-medication. This strategy may help you feel better for a while. But, as a rule, it’s ineffective in the long run. What’s more, self-medication with drugs or alcohol can easily set you on course for eventual addiction. 

What Is a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program? 

Behavioral therapy is a modern gold standard for treating substance issues. Dialectical behavior therapy for addiction gets its name because it helps you change your everyday actions in ways that support your health. It can take many different forms. 

DBT is a specific form of behavioral therapy. It’s based on a principle known as a dialectic. In a dialectic, a conversation takes place between two opposing ideas or points of view. Neither point of view is rejected. Instead, they work together to create a solution.  

The two sides of the conversation in dialectical behavior therapy are acceptance and change. Acceptance requires you to: 

  • Stay present with what’s happening to you in real-time 
  • Learn how to tolerate stressful or unwanted emotional states 

Change requires you to: 

  • Gradually improve your emotional control 
  • Develop better, healthier interpersonal skills 

Part of this work takes place in private sessions with your therapist. You also take part in group sessions. Your therapist guides you through each step of the overall process.  

 The Value of a Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Addiction 

How can a dialectical behavior therapy program for addiction support your recovery? As you gain emotional control, feelings that once caused extreme distress will likely have less of an impact. As a result, you may feel more centered and empowered. In turn, you may also undercut a key motivation for drinking or taking drugs.  

The therapy also has another important use. It can help you recover from other kinds of mental health conditions. That includes the conditions most likely to occur in people affected by addiction. 

Call Footprints Beachside Recovery Today

A dialectical behavior therapy program can help you cope with intense, unpleasant emotions. It can also help you gain control over those emotions and reduce their negative impact on you. Both of these benefits may prove vital to your ability to stop using drugs or alcohol. 

At Footprints Beachside Recovery, we make extensive use of this modern therapy option. Along with other elements of your treatment plan, it can help you reach your sobriety and wellness goals. For more information on our dialectical behavior therapy program, call us today at 727-954-3908. You can also contact us through our online form

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(727) 954-3908