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Addiction Recovery Blog

How to Show Your Loved One in Recovery Support During Valentine’s Day

A recovering addict and their loved one attending a cooking class on Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day is a holiday known throughout the world as a time to celebrate love and connections. The aroma of red roses, decadent chocolates and romance fill the air.

But going through Valentine’s Day in recovery can feel like an uphill battle. You’re proud of your loved one for moving forward on their journey towards lasting recovery. Yet the overload of cliché social media posts and romantic gifts being delivered can tempt a former addict into relapsing to escape it all.

Recovering addicts are often reminded on Valentine’s Day of the damage their disease has caused. After all, addiction is known to strain and erode personal relationships.

The good news is there are ways for you to help your loved one push past emotional triggers that go with this romantic holiday. In this post, we’ll give you deeper insight into your loved one’s journey and offer some ideas on how you can help them.

3 Reasons Why Valentine’s Day is Hard for Recovering Addicts

You know that being a recovering addict isn’t the only reason why Valentine’s Day is hard for some people. Maybe from your own experiences, you didn’t like that the holiday reminded you that you were single or went through a break-up. After all, no one likes being reminded of relationships they’ve lost.

But for your loved one in recovery, these feelings are more intense than feeling lonely. Your loved one could be struggling with:

  1. The memory of lost relationships: When you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, the substance becomes your top priority. So, Valentine’s Day could be a harsh reminder for your loved one about the relationships their addiction fractured.
  2. Being afraid of relapsing: Valentine’s Day highlights perfect situations in commercials, promotions and social media posts. That atmosphere can be the foundation for unhealthy comparisons and feelings of hopelessness for your loved one. They can feel overwhelmed and look for an escape through past destructive behavior.
  3. Feeling undeserving of affection: After the destructive behavior of your loved during their addiction, they might feel like they don’t deserve love or support. This notion of self-punishment is common for those in recovery. And Valentine’s Day is a natural reminder of past mistakes.

Valentine’s Day in recovery can be a hard holiday to endure. But it’s important to make sure your loved one isn’t isolated and lonely during this stressful time. You have the power to help your loved one cope.

4 Ideas for a Sober Valentine’s Day with Your Loved One

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a day where your loved one fixates on their past mistakes. You can help them enjoy the holiday like so many others. All you need is a few ideas to get you started.

  1. Volunteer: Helping others is one of the best ways to get out of your own head and focus on the present moment. Do some research and see if there’s a local dog shelter or soup kitchen nearby that could use some help. Volunteering is a great activity to do with your loved one that will show them that new meaningful relationships can be created. Plus, volunteering is another way to spread love and compassion during Valentine’s Day.
  2. Go on a road trip: It’s pretty well known that getting out of your normal environment can be helpful for those in recovery. A road trip is an engaging activity that doesn’t involve any drugs or alcohol. There will be plenty of bonding time and your relationship can become stronger and more connected.
  3. Take a class: Is there something that you or your loved one has always wanted to do? A sober Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to try it. Doing something hands on like a cooking class or a fitness routine can help your loved one re-focus their anxiety about the holiday into something productive. Check your area for community centers or businesses that are running deals for Valentine’s Day.
  4. Attend a support group together: If the stress or temptation of Valentine’s Day is getting too much for your loved one to handle, attend a meeting with them. Going to a meeting will show your loved one that you’re serious about supporting their recovery. Plus, they’re less likely to feel isolated when they’re around other people who have experienced similar struggles.

Taking the time to support your loved one during Valentine’s Day can be a powerful motivator to help them reach lasting recovery. But don’t think that Valentine’s Day is the only time where you can do special activities with them. Staying engaged in your loved one’s recovery on a regular basis can do wonders for their long-term sobriety.

Footprints Beachside Recovery Offers Expert Drug Rehab in Florida

If your loved one is struggling with substance abuse or has recently relapsed, there is hope for recovery. At Footprints Beachside Recovery, we’ve been through addiction ourselves. This is how we know that no two addictions are the same. Our drug rehab in Florida takes a person-centered approach, so we can understand the underlying causes of each individual’s addiction.

Contact our compassionate team today to learn more about how your loved one can reach lasting recovery.

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