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Addiction Recovery Blog

Avoiding Destructive Behavior from Alcohol Abuse

One of the most challenging parts of supporting someone with a substance use disorder is trying to separate them from their own self destructive behavior. When they start to drink too much, their unstable state can lead to mood wings, dramatic changes in personality and overall dangerous behavior.The good news is that there are many ways to support and care for someone who is struggling with an alcohol abuse disorder. Below is some guidance on working with a love one through alcohol addiction in your home

Set Clear Boundaries

When it comes to setting boundaries with someone who uses alcohol, remember that it’s not about giving them ultimatums. Instead, it’s about choosing to be a part of their positive, constructive life instead of their self damaging destructive one. Look ahead and remove yourself from destructive situations before they begin

Build on Constructive Activities

Come to the table with new constructive activities to build a foundation or positive behavior, and start with writing down a list of favorite shared activities that do not include alcohol. Make a point to start and end days at home with positive activities like walking, reading, exercising. Get creative and think about what positive activities you enjoy as well as what brings them genuine joy in life. Maybe its cooking, home improvement projects, crafting, etc. Stay busy with the right activities. 

Detach from Destructive Influences

Once you start following these boundaries, it is important to stick to them. Another way to achieve this goal is by practicing detachment, which can be difficult for both sides but is an effective method. This approach does not mean that you don’t care, in fact it means the opposite. Without detachment, family and loved ones can instead enable addictive behavior limiting personal growth and delay helping a loved one learning the skills they need to battle an alcohol use disorder.

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