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Creating New Year’s Resolutions Can Help You Maintain Sobriety

Maintaining sobriety once you are finished with treatment is a never-ending journey. While there is no easy fix, New Year’s resolutions can be one method of staying on track in the new year. Resolutions are a great way for anyone to improve their life; but for someone working on their sobriety, these can be even more helpful as recovery doesn’t happen overnight.

Keep in mind that progress – not perfection – is important when creating your list of resolutions. Your goals should be realistic and attainable. If they are too grandiose you can end up feeling like a failure if they are not reached, which could lead to relapse. This list of possible resolutions is a good place to start if you aren’t sure what your goals should be in the new year.

New Year’s Resolution List Ideas for Those In Recovery

Resolve to make a healthy change to your body.

This should not be overwhelming or drastic, but a small change can do wonders for your mind and body. Consider starting to walk a few times a week, eat three meals a day or get eight hours of sleep every night. Pick just one as you get started.

Resolve to ask your loved ones for support.

Pick a select group of close friends or family to lean on and confide in them. Don’t push people away if they are reaching out to help you.

Resolve to stay positive.

It’s easy to become bitter and negative, so create a positive motto that will help keep you calm when you want to scream.

Resolve to simplify your life.

Feeling anxious and busy might trigger a relapse, so work to reduce clutter in your living space and try to lighten your schedule.

Resolve to take responsibility for your own actions.

Only you control your actions, so learn to not blame others when things go wrong. Understand that every good and bad decision is a result of your own doing.

Resolve to let your creative side come out.

Being creative is a great way to release stress. You don’t necessarily need to be artistic or musical. It can be as simple as learning to cook or doing anything else that feels therapeutic for you. Choose just one day a week and try it out.

Resolve to create an inspirational reading list.

Start a reading list of materials you might find inspiring. If you don’t know where to begin you can ask friends and family or look online for plenty of ideas.

Resolve to count your blessings daily.

Keep a journal and write down one thing you are grateful for every day. At the end of the year you can look back on all you have to be thankful for.

Start Your Resolution Idea List Now

Getting started is the hardest part of any new change and this is no different. Although you should be ready to start when the new year arrives, there is never a bad time to add healthy resolutions to your life. Write down your ideas and also include why you want to implement them. Knowing why you included them in your list will help you stick with them. Remind yourself of your goals daily by posting them on your fridge or bathroom mirror. You can also hold yourself accountable by telling a few trusted people in your life.

Resolutions can be one helpful tool in your journey but if you find that you still need help maintaining your sobriety, please contact us at Footprints Beachside Recovery today.

Call Footprints Beachside Recovery at 877-954-3908 today.

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