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Addiction Recovery Blog

4 Keys to Opioid Treatment Programs

Opioid addiction can take a serious toll on your quality of life. It may harm your health, relationships, and finances. The good news is Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) can help. An OTP is a facility that offers medication-assisted treatment for those who are addicted to opioids. It uses FDA approved medications and has been certified by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA). Here’s what you need to know about opioid treatment programs.

1.   OTP Eligibility Requirements

If you’re interested in OTPs, there’s a good chance you’ll be eligible for them. As long as you’re at least 18 years of age and have opioids as your primary drug of abuse. Once you enroll in an OTP, you must show a valid photo ID and agree to follow its unique policies and procedures. The intake process will involve a history review, physical assessment, drug screen, and counselor consultation.

2.   Two Medication-Assisted Treatments

Depending on your unique situation, an OTP may provide treatment with methadone or buprenorphine. Methadone, which is the most common option, often requires you to visit a methadone clinic on a daily basis to receive your medication. If you go the buprenorphine route, your treatment will likely require less visits because you’ll be able to take it home. No matter which treatment you pursue, you can fit it into your work or school schedule and get the help needed to improve your quality of life.

3.   Three Phases of Medication-Assisted Treatment

After your OTP determines the right medication for your situation, you’ll go through three phases: Induction, Stabilization, and Maintenance. Induction is where you switch from an opioid to methadone or buprenorphine. The goal will be to identify the dose that will relieve withdrawal symptoms within three to five hours after consumption.

The Stabilization phase will focus on modifying the amount of medication you’re given so you can perform daily activities like work or school without feelings of intoxication or withdrawal. Once your doctor finds the right dose, they’ll increase it by five to 10 milligrams every three to five days. You may experience some mood swings and drug cravings, especially if it takes some time to find the appropriate dose.

During the Maintenance phase, you’ll continue to take the correct dose every day. In most cases, you’ll have to do so for a year or even longer. The longer you participate, the more medication you’ll be able to take at home safely.

4.   Focus on Counseling

Counseling is an important aspect of OTPs. In addition to medication, you’ll undergo one-on-one sessions with a qualified counselor. While each OTP has its own structure for counseling, it will likely involve addiction education where you learn all about how addiction works. You’ll also pinpoint the root cause of your opioid abuse and find out how to change your problematic behaviors. Group counseling may also be helpful so you can connect with others who are walking in your shoes.

Contact Footprints Beachside Recovery Center                                 A

At Footprints Beachside Recovery Center, we offer an OTP. Our integrated approach will allow us to address your opioid abuse and mental health issues simultaneously. Contact us today.

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(727) 954-3908