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Addiction Recovery Blog

The Healing Power of Love & the Process of Addiction Recovery

Love is the key to opening recovery pathways. The healing power of love has no boundaries, has no walls, it holds no record of misgivings and it believes in second chances. Love is that quality that erases all prejudice and judgement and moves us to forgive, gives us a peace of mind and keeps us sane.

Love really has the power to transform us. It not only improves our overall health, but difficulties and challenges that come our way are much easier to deal with. Then it is our privilege and responsibility to share that love with others. The amazing power of love indeed has the strength to dissolve all of our emotional wounds and differences.

In the process, when you allow the power of LOVE in, it not only strengthens us in the present moment, but it makes us feel more confident about the future and allows us to come to terms with the past. Be open and willing to experience the healing that comes from the POWER of LOVE.

Positive Effects of Love in Addiction Recovery

When you allow the healing POWER of LOVE to enter, these are just some of the results:

  • A decreased likelihood of turning to substances to fill the “emptiness”
  • Treating your body in a way that sustains your health in terms of what you put into it and the way you treat others
  • Standing up for your values, saying yes and no with ease, based on your wishes and not what others may expect of you
  • You experience an enhancement of self-worth, in others you value yourself enough to only go after what YOU want.

Let yourself feel it. Let yourself know that through the POWER of LOVE, you can be transformed and healed.

Love sustains life and it is what remains after life

The team at Footprints would like to share a Loving Kindness meditation that when repeated, helps to make you feel more connected not only to yourself but to others and all of the things that are good for your mental, physical and spiritual well being.

  • May I be filled with loving kindness
  • May I be well
  • May I be peaceful and at ease
  • May I be happy

Learn More About Addiction Treatment at Footprints Beachside Recovery

If you or someone you care about is ready to take the first step toward recovery from drug or alcohol addiction, call us today. We work with a variety of popular insurance providers and our admissions team can help you verify your benefits.

Call Footprints Beachside Recovery at 877-954-3908 today.

Have Questions? We're here to help.

(727) 954-3908