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Addiction Recovery Blog

How Can I Tell If I’m an Alcoholic?

A woman looks at a bottle of wine as she considers alcoholic symptoms.

You never meant for alcohol to be one of your top coping mechanisms for the stress that you face each day. Whether it was a problem at work or trouble with a loved one, alcohol was a way for you to detach yourself from the situation, but you didn’t expect it to develop such a powerful hold over your life. Over time, you begin to wonder if you’ve become an alcoholic.

3 Warning Signs of Alcohol Addiction

So what makes you an alcoholic?

It’s hard to be objective when it comes to figuring out if you’re struggling with a drinking problem. Your emotions often take the lead in this thought process, and you’ll naturally try to rationalize your behavior. However, knowing you have an alcohol addiction or drinking problem is the first step toward reaching a healthier future. Join us as we break down some of the top signs that suggest you could be an alcoholic.

1. You’re Drinking in Dangerous Situations

One of the strongest signs that you might have a problem with alcohol abuse is when your  drinking poses a real danger to your well-being. In fact, there are many cases – such as driving to work in the morning – where you know that drinking increases your risk of getting into a car accident. However, if you haven’t experienced any consequences from these behaviors, your mind might try to convince you that these behaviors aren’t as dangerous as they really are. When you regularly engage in dangerous behavior because of drinking, it’s a sign that alcohol has become one of the major priorities in your life.

2. Are You Drinking to Relax or Cope with Your Feelings? 

Many people who struggle with alcohol addiction drink because of some type of emotional reason or unresolved trauma. Do some soul searching and ask yourself if the main reason you’re drinking is to relax or cope with negative feelings. A key sign that points to alcohol addiction is feeling like you need alcohol to calm yourself down.

While it’s true that alcohol can provide short-term relief from feelings of stress, depression and anxiety, using alcohol as a coping mechanism comes at a cost. Long-term alcohol abuse can intensify depression symptoms, making it difficult to keep your mental health on the right track.

3. You’re “Blacking Out” Frequently

Are there times when you drink so much that you can’t remember what you were doing or what happened? How often do you experience these blackouts  during the times when you decide to drink? By figuring out the answer to these questions, you’ll get some great insight into your relationship with alcohol. Regularly  blacking out is  a telltale sign of alcohol abuse.

To determine how strong  a hold alcohol has over your behavior, try to set a limit of drinks you can have each day. The point of setting this rule is to see how hard a time you have following it. The harder it is to stop drinking, the stronger your relationship is with alcohol.

You Have the Potential to Overcome Alcohol Abuse 

If you’re struggling with alcohol abuse or noticing symptoms of alcoholism  in your life, there is hope for lasting sobriety. A professional alcohol addiction treatment center like Footprints Beachside Recovery can help you address the underlying causes of your alcohol abuse. You’ll start by talking with an addiction treatment professional who can evaluate your specific needs. . From there, a treatment plan will be tailored just for you.. You’ll take part in a range of therapies and evidence-based treatments methods to help you heal.

Recovery Is Possible at Footprints Beachside Recovery

At Footprints Beachside Recovery, we’ve been through alcohol addiction ourselves and know how challenging it can be to break free from the hold it has over your life. We have more than 10  years of experience helping people in local Florida communities turn their lives  around after years of abusing alcohol. Alumni of our program know the right treatment can make a real difference in the journey to lasting recovery. If you’re ready to heal at your own pace and reclaim control over your life, contact our admissions team today.

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