There are many myths and stereotypes that have shaped the view of crack vs. cocaine. At the end of the day, these drugs are more similar than they are different. Cocaine and crack are extremely addictive substances. Stimulants like cocaine and crack are dangerous on their own and can be deadly when mixed with opiates or downers. If you or someone you care about is abusing substances like cocaine, it’s crucial to seek help as soon as possible. The risk of cocaine abuse and addiction is severe and can result in lifelong consequences. Reach out to Footprints Beachside Recovery today at 727-954-3908 to speak with a trained representative about our cocaine addiction treatment program.
What Is Cocaine?
Cocaine and crack are similar substances. Cocaine is the powder form of the drug and is known to be used by those who have more access to wealth and privilege. Cocaine is associated with the party and club culture.
Those who abuse cocaine often binge on the drug and risk extreme withdrawal symptoms. Some of those who abuse cocaine and related uppers will attempt to use drugs like benzodiazepines (benzos) to take the edge off withdrawal symptoms. This is dangerous and can fuel the cycle of abuse, leading to addiction.
What Is Crack?
Crack is cocaine. Making crack involves turning cocaine powder into a hardened substance that is easier to smoke rather than snort.
Often, the process of creating crack involves mixing the powder form of cocaine with baking soda or related substances, boiling the mixture, and then letting it settle and harden. Additives in the crack can be more hazardous or otherwise toxic.
Crack can be more potent. The creation of crack may involve adding over substances. Some of these substances may result in an added risk of overdose or the potential for addiction.
Crack is known to have a short high, often lasting only a few minutes. While crack is considered inexpensive, those who abuse crack are known to spend hundreds of dollars on a binge. This is also true of cocaine.
Signs and Symptoms of Cocaine Abuse
There are many red flags to be on the lookout for if you believe someone you care about is abusing cocaine, crack, or other substances. Abuse of “uppers” tend to have related psychological and behavioral signs and symptoms.
A person who abuses Adderall or meth may express similar patterns of abuse as a person who is abusing cocaine. Signs of upper abuse may include:
- Odd bursts of energy
- Constantly runny nose
- Nosebleeds
- Rapid weight loss
- Mood instability
- Excessive talking or appearing “manic”
- Sleeping unusual hours or going long periods of time without sleep
- Lack of concern for hygiene or personal appearance
- Relationship problems
- Work issues
- Financial issues
- Legal issues
It’s important to be aware of cocaine or crack withdrawal symptoms. These commonly include:
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Tremors
- Problems concentrating
- Confusion
- Problems sleeping
If you are noticing signs that your loved one is struggling with drug abuse, reach out for assistance as soon as possible. Early intervention is always best. That being said, it’s never too late to seek lasting recovery.
Contact Footprints Beachside Recovery Today to Kick the Habit
Prolonged abuse of cocaine can result in permanent and irreversible health issues. Over time, cocaine damages vital organs and puts you at risk for a heart attack or stroke. Long-term effects of cocaine abuse are associated with an increased risk of blood clots, angina, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, and numerous other health issues.
Reach out to Footprints Beachside Recovery today at 727-954-3908 to learn how you can break the cycle of abuse. Or, fill out our online form, and let us get back to you. We look forward to helping you on your recovery journey.