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Addiction Recovery Blog

The Dangers of Xanax Abuse

A man taking Xanax outside.

Anxiety can be debilitating. It’s an expert at convincing your brain to blow every little problem or situation out of proportion. You start to assume the worst will happen at every turn and there’s an intense feeling of nervousness and depression that sets in. Anxiety can literally feel like the world is out to get you.

Xanax is a prescription drug that can help shine some light on the shadow that anxiety casts over your life. The issue is that Xanax is habit forming and can lead to addiction. While Xanax can ease anxiety symptoms, abusing this drug comes at a price.

How Addictive is Xanax?

It might be surprising to learn, but Xanax is one of the most reportedly abused drugs, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Xanax is known to be habit forming and carries a high risk of addiction.

When someone abuses Xanax, they actually have a harder time managing their mood. This can convince some people to take more of the drug to feel better. The result is getting caught in a cycle of abuse, where larger doses are needed to get the result you’re looking for.

The Impact of Xanax Abuse on Your Health

When you take Xanax, the drug slows down your normal brain activity. That’s why it has a calming effect with panic attacks. The drug is forcing your mind to stop and process the anxious feelings. But the more you abuse Xanax, the more likely you are to experience difficulty breathing. Xanax also carries a high risk of overdose. Xanax slows your breathing, so taking too much of the drug can actually stop your breathing completely.

But there are other side effects and dangers of Xanax that you should be aware of. Xanax abuse can cause:

  • A noticeable slowdown in your reaction time, increasing your risk of an accident or injury
  • Severe mood swings that can cause an increase in depression and anxiety
  • Irritability and an increased risk of being confrontational
  • Difficulty sleeping and severe insomnia in some cases

The Risks of Abusing Xanax Over Long Periods of Time

The longer you abuse Xanax, the higher your risk of severe side effects. When you abuse Xanax for a long period of time, your brain can forget how to sustain itself without the drug. This means that the drug can actually start to damage your memory. Xanax also lowers your inhibitions over time, making it more likely for you to engage in dangerous behaviors.

Xanax abuse can even have dire consequences for you later in life. A recent Harvard Health Publication reported that abusing Xanax can increase your risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Given how fast Xanax enters and exits your system, withdrawal is another common side effect you might face. When you’re withdrawing from Xanax, you’re likely to experience:

  • Muscle pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Tremors
  • Heart palpitations
  • Paranoia
  • Headaches
  • Seizures

These withdrawal symptoms are dangerous, which is why it’s recommended that you don’t go “cold turkey” on your own. When you’re experiencing Xanax withdrawal, you need to be monitored by medical professionals. Addiction treatment programs like the one found at Footprints Beachside Recovery can help you safely break free from Xanax.

Xanax Addiction Can Be Beaten

When you’re suffering from a Xanax addiction, it can feel like the drug is your only escape from the anxiety that haunts you. But you can find healthier ways to cope that don’t put your well-being at risk. At Footprints Beachside Recovery, we’ve beaten addiction, and so can you.

Our expert team will work with you to identify any underlying causes behind your addiction. We specialize in dual diagnosis treatment and can help treat any mental health disorder along addiction.

We know that every addiction is different, which is why we use a personalized approach to treatment. You have the potential to break free from the hold that addiction has on you. Contact our team to today to see how Footprints Beachside Recovery can help you reach lasting recovery.

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